{Please play in fullscreen}

You are an undercover druid working with alchemy in a world where this type of practice is forbidden. You remain hidden doing your work to help people out, but always careful to stay out of trouble.

One day, you sense something was wrong and discover that there is a congregation of shadow priests trying to bring darkness and doom into the world. You decide to leave your lab and fight the forces of evil with the power of alchemy. Spellhell time!

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Game Design Document - Google Drive

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Before playing:
We didn't have the time to refine the crafting system that well and it may sound a little confusing for some, so I'll leave here a short guide on how to use it.
As soon as you clear up a level, a cauldron will appear. By interacting with it by pressing "E", a book with compounds and recipes will pop up. If you have the necessary compounds to craft a certain spell just select it (WASD or arrows) and press enter; if your spell bar is empty (only with the base spell on it), the new spell will be automatically added to it. If you spell bar is already full, you will be given the option to chose which number/spell you want to swap it for the new one.

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Extra credits:
_ Spell effects from BDragon1727
_ Tileset from Penzilla
_ Hooded enemy from greenpixels_
_ Music from Joel Francis Burford


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Amazing artstyle and soundtrack! Nice idea for a roguelike, just a few suggestions that maybe it~s already in the roadmap.
-The level could be procedurally generated to avoid exploiting the same strategy
- Enemies could drop heart as well
- Enemies resistant to some sort of magic and the cauldron could stay in the duel so the player can swap abilities midmatch